FEV - Spanish Wine Federation
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Besides promoting the wine image as a basic part of the Mediterranean diet, FEV´s goals are to seek for the best production environment for the wineries, which includes creating a more functional and solid sector to face the strong competition of the worldwide markets.

The Spanish Wine Federation is a party in all the political decisions, acting as a representative, promoter and defence of its member's interests. It also focuses its efforts on coordinating the wineries for a better sector structuring and it raises as the prefect institutional platform from where to design and implement short and long term sectorial strategies.

FEV´s activity -focused on reaching the described goals- provides wide range of services for its members. From all this services we could enhance the newsletters on relevant news that affect the sector, the solving of inquiries and the creation of common position for the Spanish wineries.

FEV works with all types of products: still wines, aromatised wines, sparkling wines liqueur wines and other vine products. For them all, FEV works as the main mediator with the State and Regional administrations and therefore it has been recognise since 1987 as a Collaborating Entity.